by Fireweed for the Island Word, May 2016 issue
Jordan & Athena |
Here's hoping that Jordan and Athena are already neck deep in
mountain blueberries by now! Thankfully, the black bear siblings were in
very good health at the time of their June release on Vancouver
Island. Sufficient fat stores should help ease any difficulty
transitioning back to life in the wild after their year-long stay at
North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre. Orphaned at just a few
months of age in Port Hardy, the cubs gained notoriety after it
became widely known that the Conservation Officer responsible for
their mother's death had refused an order to destroy them also.
Bryce Casavant's defiance cost him his job, but today Athena and Jordan are
back where they belong, roaming free.
click on image to enlarge |
Contact with humans was strictly
prohibited while the cubs were in captivity in order to increase
their chances for long term survival. Six other young bears who
haven't shared the media spotlight were released the same week, but
Jordan and Athena were fitted with GPS tracking devices. A bear's
search for food is such a driving force, it's no surprise that their
incredible sense of smell can also lead to their demise. Sadly,
conservation officers destroy hundreds of so-called “nuisance
bears” around the province every year. The village of Cumberland, here in the Comox Valley, is
particularly challenged because it just so happens to
be on a main
migratory route for the regional population. Senior Conservation
Officer Dan Dwyer has stated that bear encroachment into urban areas
seems to come in cycles (lack of rainfall being one precursor of
note.) The recent, widespread devastation wrought by fire in northern
Alberta pushed bears into the evacuated city of Fort McMurray,
beckoned by the aroma of rotting garbage and thawing freezers. We can
only hope to learn, in time, that Jordan and Athena are managing to
survive as far away from human activities as possible.
Fort McMurray, May 2016 |
Cumberland , and many other
communities here in BC and beyond, are to be applauded for promoting public awareness
campaigns aimed at reducing human/bear conflicts at the local level.
Understanding the bigger environmental picture is also crucial.
Shrinking habitat is the most serious threat to natural food access
for wildlife all over the planet today. Yes, that problem is tied
directly to human encroachment (of all kinds), but it is also
exacerbated by the myriad ways we are collectively contributing to
global climate change. Scientists predict that as the planet
continues to warm, we can expect an increase in, and frequency of,
the kind of terrifying wildfires that wiped out
thousands of creatures and their homes in bone dry northern Alberta this spring
(spreading toxic ash from the incineration of human habitat in their
wake.) As that ravaged landscape slowly recovers, its entire ecology
is likely to change. According to researchers with Audubon and World
Wildlife Fund, rising ocean and air temperatures are already forcing
animals to
“chase” the habitats they are accustomed to.
Astoundingly, roughly half of the world's species are currently on
the move. The situation is already so dire that an estimated one in
six is predicted to go extinct if warming continues at its current
It's all connected. Ottawa is
finally recommending marine protected areas and fishery closures to
try and help save the
threatened killer whales off our coast.
Vancouver Island black bears depend on those fish too. And they play
a major role in the redistribution of salmon nutrients vital to the
health of our temperate rainforests. That these biologically diverse
ecosystems remain under attack is utterly unacceptable- we need to
stop logging the old growth
right now! Conservationists
that doing so would have the potential to significantly help reduce
BC's overall carbon dioxide emissions and enhance the function of our
natural carbon sinks. We've been
duly warned that the world is on a
path of catastrophic global warming and that we should seek to reduce
emissions as much and as quickly as possible.
James Cameron |
China recently showed the world
it's paying attention by going where no western government has dared
to tread so far- it is alerting its citizens to the fact that animal
agriculture is responsible for more GHG emissions globally than all
transportation combined and urging major dietary reform. Movie
James Cameron (lesser known as the vegan owner of Beaufort
Winery here in the Comox Valley), is one of the celebrity
spokespeople recruited to help spread the word. “China's move to
cut meat consumption in half would not only have a huge impact on
public health,” he told
the UK Guardian, “it is a massive
leadership step towards drastically reducing carbon emissions and
reaching the goals set out in the Paris agreement."
There are so many wonderful new
100% plant-based products on the market today, that it's easier than
ever for those of us with the privilege of choice to make
compassionate, climate-friendly food choices seven days a week. The
all vegan sausages, hot dogs and amazing burgers from
“The Very Good Butchers” on Denman Island are one more great reason to come
explore our wonderful Farmer's Market any Saturday morning this
summer. And here's a novel, incredibly tasty recipe to make at home, then introduce to others at that next barbecue!
special thanks to Deborah Cooper
for her original recipe on Blacks Going
thx to HighCarb Hannah for this photo
You'll need:
8-10 medium sized organic carrots
2 cups water
Marinade Ingredients:
2 TB. Liquid smoke
1/4 cup Bragg's Aminos or Tamari
1 tsp. granulated garlic
1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup Veggie bouillon (or
non-chicken) broth
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1 TB. maple syrup
Peel carrots to uniform shape, rounding
ends (size to fit your buns.) Simmer in boiling water only until fork
tender (approx. 8-10 minutes, don't overcook!) Combine marinade
ingredients. Drain al dente carrots and run under cold water to cool.
Lay all carrots flat in the marinade (a zip style plastic freezer bag
works well) and marinate for 6-24 hours (no longer.) Place carrots in
a hot non-stick skillet with a bit of the marinade to caramelize
and brown the exterior. Serve with all the traditional fixings on an
organic bun, and enjoy!
Please visit the LINKS column on the right hand side of this page for article references along with more great summer recipe ideas. And thank you in advance for sharing The Transition Kitchen column!