by Fireweed, for the Island Word, November issue, 2013
A short time ago in Newbury, England, the local police department started receiving late nite inquiries about a most unnerving noise. It happens every year at the same time, Sgt. Patty Fisher told the Newbury Port News , “but there's nothing spooky or scary going on.” The strange sounds come from the nearby Sunshine Dairy Farm, she explained, “and are a normal part of farming practises.” The mothers are separated from their calves almost immediately after birth in order to prevent them from nursing. Concerned callers, reported the Daily News, are advised to simply “expect loud noises from the cows at any time of the day or night.”
A short time ago in Newbury, England, the local police department started receiving late nite inquiries about a most unnerving noise. It happens every year at the same time, Sgt. Patty Fisher told the Newbury Port News , “but there's nothing spooky or scary going on.” The strange sounds come from the nearby Sunshine Dairy Farm, she explained, “and are a normal part of farming practises.” The mothers are separated from their calves almost immediately after birth in order to prevent them from nursing. Concerned callers, reported the Daily News, are advised to simply “expect loud noises from the cows at any time of the day or night.”

Meanwhile, industry marketers remain
busy distracting their consumer base away from the many uncomfortable 'details' that dairy production entails (forced
impregnation, mastitis, downed cows, veal calves, green house gas emissions, heavy water use, etc.) Their job is
to convince an increasingly doubtful public that consuming the milk of another
species remains desirable and necessary.

points out, for example, that ads designed to elevate dairy over
calcium-fortified juices - a chief competitor for consumer dollars-
have been brazenly contradictory. Did they think no
would notice that the very study they based their promotion of milk
upon as a 'cure' for PMS actually credited calcium (not
with providing the alleged relief? Sufficient calcium is easily
acquired without dairy products of any kind in one's diet since it is
found in such a wide variety of food sources (oranges,
kale and other leafy greens, almonds, broccoli, blackstrap molasses,
white beans, dried figs, tofu, tahini, fortified
and more.)
An attempt in 2011 to employ the PMS
angle again - this time with a failed sense of humour - involved ads
that stereotyped women as 'always right' and men as 'always wrong.'
Bumbling husbands and boyfriends were portrayed bringing home cartons
of milk to supposedly placate their partners during that 'difficult' time of the month. The ads were pulled in a matter of days as an
outraged female demographic cried foul over the sexist messaging.
Perhaps it shouldn't be surprising that an industry predicated upon manipulation of
the female body (in the form of cows' reproductive capacities), also
sees economic potential in exploiting a woman's concerns with her own
hormonal cycle.
In reality, the human body has
absolutely no requirement for dairy products (nor the milk of any other
species beyond our own) and an estimated 75% of the world's
population is lactose intolerant! Cows milk consumption has actually
been on a steady decline for many years (prompting the heavy push to
keep people hooked), and today we find any number of tasty non-dairy
milk alternatives on the shelves of popular grocery stores. It's not
difficult to make homemade varieties but the convenience of
commercially available organic soy, rice, oatmeal, coconut, quinoa,
hemp, almond, cashew and other milks is certainly attractive. How to
choose? It can take our taste buds a month or so to adjust to new
flavors and stop comparing everything to the old familiar. So it's
best to cleanse the palate by not switching back and forth between
cow's milk and new alternatives while experimenting.
Far more challenging for many folks is
giving up dairy cheese...and understandably so. The emotional
addictions we develop to certain foods are often chemically based.
“Casein, one of the proteins in cow's milk,” explains author
Victoria Moran in “Main Street Vegan, "crosses the blood-brain
barrier and becomes something called casomorphin” (an opoid, not
unlike morphine.) Naturally designed to keep calves happily nursing
and coming back for more, casomorphin is even more heavily concentrated
once milk is turned into cheese. It can help to remember that we're not
baby cows, and are no longer willing to be complicit in their fate.
Understanding the nature of our
cravings is certainly the first step to releasing their hold over our
taste preferences. Most of us are attuned to the classic
four: sweet, salt, sour and bitter. But “umami,” or “savory,”
says food writer Jennifer Valentine, is an often-overlooked taste
experience commonly associated with animal aged cheese. She suggests eating fermented foods, which are high in umami flavor, as one way to boost the “savory factor.” Mushrooms, miso, balsamic vinegar, tomatoes, and potatoes are also 'umami-friendly.'
Consumer demand for dairy alternatives
is creating a food revolution. In Germany's all vegan foodstore
chain “Veganz", shoppers can now peruse 80 different varieties of
100% plant-based cheeses! North American stores are finally beginning to increase their selections of this item, and people
are also learning how to make their own. Check out my super easy recipe below for a creamy, cheezy spread including miso – a
fermented condiment that practically sings 'umami'! Cheeze Louise also makes a
delicious filling for spanakopita or lasagna.
Please visit the links list on the right hand side of this page for highlighted references, recipes and more!
Cheeze Louise
1 block medium firm organic tofu (350 grams)
1 cup raw, unsalted cashews (soaked 8
hours or overnite)
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
2 T. light or dark Miso (your choice)
1/2 tsp. organic lemon juice (fresh or
1/2 tsp. sea salt, dash of pepper
dill, carmelized onions, pine nuts
or squeeze excess water from the tofu, drain the cashews and pat dry.
Place all ingredients (except for the optional items ) in a food
processor. Blend until creamy. Depending on the tofu, you will need
to stop and start, removing the mixture from the blade and/or sides
of the bowl with a spatula. Thin with another 1/2 teaspoon of lemon
juice if very thick. Depending on the intensity of the miso, you may
also want to add a wee bit more salt. Refrigerate for a couple of
days in a glass jar to allow the flavors to deepen…patience is a
virtue here, and this spread will easily last a week.
To use the
mixture as a filling for spanakopita right away, omit the lemon juice
if your food processor will blend the ingredients without it, remove
to a new bowl, fold in a T. of fresh dill (or 2 tsps.dried), 1/4 to 1/2 a
cup of carmelized onions (sauteed ahead of time in a little olive oil
over low heat until browned, and set aside to cool), and 2 T. pine
nuts. Combine with a generous amount of fresh chopped spinach (or
well drained frozen spinach) and spread on phillo pastry brushed with
olive oil to roll or fold into individual spanakopita. Bake on a dark
cookie sheet at 425 F until golden brown (about 10 minutes…maybe 15), and
Happy Celtic New Year:)
To read the article I wrote for this time of the year in 2012, please click here: